Our History of Ugandan Asians – 50 years at Hemel Hempstead
Presentation History
In 1972 Idi Amin President of Uganda gave 90 days all Asians to leave Uganda. Around 28,000 arrived in UK.
30 families settled in Hemel Hempstead.
Exhibition Online
The exhibition displays journey of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation Ugandan Asians settled in Hemel Hempstead.
Their success stories, their hard work, determination, depicted through short stories and photographs.
It shows how Indians preserved and practiced their rich culture.
Below are sectional header links and pictures. Each link takes you into our journey of individual accounts and beautiful illustrations.
Exhibition – Physical
We have this exhibition you can physically visit.
Currently – 1st November – 15th November Marlowes Shopping Centre Hemel Hempstead UK
Exodus of Ugandan Asians. Exodus from Uganda to United Kingdom
Exodus of Ugandan Asians. Life in the resettlement Camps

Rebuilding Life in Hemel Hempstead. Personal stories of Ugandan Asians in Hemel Hempstead
Rebuilding Life in Hemel Hempstead. Personal stories of settlers in Hemel Hempstead

Integrating with the community. Working with community and charitable organisations
Integrating with the community. Working together health and wellbeing

Second Generation. Inspirational stories of the second generation
Second Generation. Personal stories of the second generation

Third Generation. Inspirational stories of the third generation
Third Generation. Personal stories of the third generation

Our way of life – faith, celebrate festivals, glorious food, art, wedding, cloths and entertainment