Sunday, February 9, 2025


1 Membership will start on the 1st January and terminate on the 31st December
2 Membership fee is not refundable if membership is terminated part way through the membership period by either party
3 If a member wants to upgrade their membership from a single to a family membership, then DIS will reduce the new fee with credit for the remaining full years on a pro-rata basis. New fee will be that at the prevailing rate at the time of upgrade.
4 Membership cannot be changed from family to single during the membership period
5 Each membership must have at least one adult aged 18 or over
6 Family membership covers only permanent residents living at the one address
7 Only adults and children named on this form will be treated as members
8 Single membership applies where there is a maximum of one person named on the form. Family membership fee applies where there is more then one person listed on the form
9 Full fee (for single or family) is payable irrespective of when in the membership year, membership is taken up
10 If memberships is not renewed within 30 days of expiring an additional fee £5.00 administration charge will become payable
11 It is the responsibility of the person signing this form to ensure he/she has consent from all the listed people on the form to have their details declared here as well as ensure accuracy of all the information provided. With all the terms and conditions being accepted by all the people listed on this form
12 Membership is required to attend all DIS events, activities and clubs unless otherwise stated
13 DIS reserves the right to give priority to members for events, activities and clubs
14 Non-members may be allowed to attend events, activities or clubs at a cost
15 For all DIS events, the aarti money is to be deposited into DIS account and ring fenced for charitable distribution by DIS
16 DIS does not accept liability for any damage to members and non-members personal possessions whilst at a DIS event, activity or club
17 DIS does not accept responsibility for child member’s safety and it is the sole responsibility of the adult members to ensure their children engage safely in activities at DIS organised events and clubs.
18 Members and non-members are responsible for their own health and safety when participating in any DIS activity, event or club
19 Any damage caused by a member or a member’s guest at the venue hired by DIS will have to be paid for by the member or the principal member
20 Postage will only be used if email is not a preferred method of communication
21 If communication method of “Post” is selected, DIS reserves the right to make an additional charge to cover the cost of printing and postage
22 All the details provided on this form will be stored electronically. DIS will retain the information (including personal data) supplied on paper or electronically for the purpose of administering and managing DIS events, activities and all other services provided by DIS. The information will be kept securely, and will be kept no longer than necessary. It will not be shared with anyone outside of the DIS Committee or with any third party organisation. The information provided on this form will only be used for the purposes of organising DIS events, activities and clubs.
23 WhatsApp group is administered by DIS Committee for the purposes of communicating with the DIS community. DIS Committee will post information related to events and members can use it to communicate with the Committee or the DIS community. Members should avoid posting material which can cause offence to other members. This would include material which is insulting to person’s political belief, cultural belief, religious belief, race and gender. Members are encouraged not to post video on the WhatsApp group unless they are considered informational for the DIS Community.
Any personal, professional, profit based or contentious postings on any DIS social media will need DIS committee approval.
DIS reserves the right to remove such postings deemed to be in breach of DIS terms and conditions.
Every effort will be made to keep DIS website up to date with the information of the events and activities organised by DIS.
24 By signing this form, you agree to your pictures being used for marketing DIS. DIS uses many different social media platforms for marketing and communicating with its members, so it’s possible member’s photographs are uploaded onto social media platforms, DIS website and WhatsApp Group.
25 Electronic membership application will be deemed as signed with agreement of these T&Cs.

Full Terms & Conditions are available online – link provided at the start of the form above.

*1 Cash should be handed to an official DIS committee member.
*2 Cheques should be made payable to Dacorum Indian Society.

*3 Electronic Payments details:-Sort Code 30-94-08 Acc. No. 02802554 Ref. “MS” your surname & postcode

*4 Applies to any specified special DIS offers (inquire within)

NOTE:- If you sign and hit the submit button you agree to the terms and conditions and payment is compulsory to finish the application. THERE ARE NO Electronic facilities HERE so please do this elsewhere. Cheques can be handed to any Committee Members or post it to :-

DIS Membership Secretary,
43 Turrners Hill
Hemel Hempstead,